Anticipate Risk. Build Resilience. Create Opportunity.

Insight is just the start. We leverage our rigorous qualitative and quantitative forecasting methodology, analytical capabilities, and deep knowledge of emerging markets to enable our clients to anticipate and get ahead of strategic and operational risks. With a wide-angle view of country risk, we partner with clients across all sectors to translate risk into opportunity.

We work with board rooms at banks and financial institutions, political and credit risk teams, and corporate security departments to embed risk management capabilities across organisations and supply chains. Our country risk forecasting has helped our clients navigate critical business and investment decisions in emerging and frontier markets around the world.


Analyst Engagement

Speak directly to our country analysts on an ad hoc or regular basis to discuss specific questions on countries and on subjects of commercial interest. We can set up quarterly analysis calls and custom briefings for our clients or respond to time-critical written requests.

Due Diligence

We leverage our extensive human source network to perform rigorous counter-party and reputational investigations on your commercial relationships across Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. Our investigations include company and legal records retrieval, site inspections, and human source enquiries to ensure your business partners are transparent.

Bespoke Ratings

Our proprietary quantitative ratings can be integrated into bespoke client benchmarking systems and political risk insurance underwriter pricing models. Based on client parameters and requirements, our team can develop tailored risk models, design custom country risk infographics, and create pipeline maps to assist our clients' internal workflow processes, annual reports, and boardroom presentations.

Country Entry

Our analysts and researchers can offer guidance on market and country entry and assist clients in sourcing new opportunities, mitigating risks, selecting commercial partners, and guiding introductions in-country. Our expertise can help foresee and manage the complexities of expanding your business into a new jurisdiction.

Threat Monitoring

We can leverage our extensive local source network to offer frequent and customised threat monitoring and risk assessment solutions for a particular region, country, or specific site location. Our tailored intelligence and early warning indicators monitoring and reporting can be produced daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly to match client needs.

Market Research

We can draw on our network of local analysts and researchers to produce customised reports and outputs on key countries, sectors, and subjects of interest to our clients. Our local insights and independent data can help you capitalise on economic opportunities and make the right operational and strategic decisions to succeed in complex emerging markets.

Bespoke Presentations

Our senior analysts are available to present on political risks, macro- economic developments, and security issues. Based on availability, we offer presentations, briefings, and workshops in-person and online.

Media Monitoring

Our team of analysts utilise artificial intelligence-powered tools to monitor local and international media across Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. We offer customised media monitoring services on specific regions, countries, and sectors. Media monitoring can be enhanced with AI and sentiment analysis to help you manage crises and build trust with external stakeholders.

Global Reach. Local Intelligence.

Our advisory work has taken us to markets globally.

Our analyst and source network extends beyond our core geographic expertise of Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. Anchored by local knowledge and insights, we have assisted clients in banking, insurance, and security sectors with custom intelligence services to forecast risks and opportunities from Latin America to Europe and East Asia.

Talk to us.

Connect with our team to discuss your risk forecasting, due diligence, and market strategy needs. No market is out of reach.

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